Sunday School Program
Grades Pre K- 6th
At Concordia Lutheran Church
All kids welcome!
September- December
Sunday Mornings
* Snack Drive Done each year
12 Week Program
Christmas Program Performance

After School Program
Grades 1st- 6th
At Concordia Lutheran Church
All kids welcome!
February- May 2020
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM
* Snack Included
12 Week Program
Mother's Day Performance

Vacation Bible School

Grades Pre K and Kindergarten
August 3rd-5th
9:00 am to Noon
At Concordia Lutheran Church
Morning Session limited to 40.

1st Grade through 6th Grade
August 2nd-5th
1:00 PM-5 PM
Afternoon Session Limited to 40.

Closing Program TBA
and Care Center Program
* Online Pre Registration Required 2020 by July 31st.

Annual Lock IN
Every year we have a Lock-In on Labor Day weekend for 7-12th graders. It starts Sunday night @ 3 pm and ends Monday morning. The kids sleep in the Dakota Theatre. For more information call or email the church office.

classes are a three year course for 7-9th graders. For dates and more information contact the church office.

Holy Communion
classes are a two day class for 5th and 6th graders. For dates and more information contact the church office.

Adult Bible Study
Healthy Conversations – Mondays, 6:30-7:30 PM in the Friendship Room

Men’s Bible Study - Thursday mornings at 7:00 AM in the Friendship Room.

“Let’s Eat” Bible Study –Every other Thursday, At 6:30 PM at Phil Johnson’s. Contact Cody Roland.

John's Circle Women's
Bible Study For more information contact: Donna Molander or Kay Unhjem Group meets mostly in the friendship room. Gather Magazine Study- Group breaks for the months of June, July and August.

Matthew Circle Women's Bible Study-Third Monday at 7 PM Please Contact: Paulette Hall, Jane Owens, Catherine Lystad or Becky Knudson for details. This Group meets most times in the Friendship Room.

Mark Circle Women's Bible Study third Wednesday, 9 AM at Ione Leholm’s Contact Janet Landstrom or Marlys Dolan for more information. Subject: Gather Magazine

Office Information

Office Hours


Monday- Thursday: 9:00-5:00 PM

Friday: Sabbath

Sunday: Worship



Call for Appointments.

We are here

204 N Main St. Crosby, ND 58730

Office Administrator hours very.
Monday- Wednesday-Thursday

We are Here:

204 N Main St. Crosby, ND 58730


our Staff

Shari DeJardine
Church Administrator