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Welcome | Concordia Lutheran Church

We are a Lutheran Church (ELCA) committed to connecting people to God, to one another, and to the community. Join us as we strive to grow in faith, share the good news, and increase God’s presence in Divide Country.

We are a Spirit-filled church on a mission to establish a people of destiny. We are a Christ-centered, family-oriented church that strives to minister to all people without boundaries. A place where lives are transformed. 

Latest Sermons.

25-03-23 Worshp-Becky Knudson

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What needs can we bring before God for you?
We believe God listens when people speak. We would love the opportunity to pray for you and bring your needs before God in love. Click the link below and submit a prayer request, letting us know how we can pray for you. If you would like to speak and pray with one of the pastors please reach out.

Our Worship Services


Whatever your age, gender or status, we have a ministry just for you!
Concordia Kids

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We strive to reach people both locally and globally with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ and your tithes and offerings enable us to fulfill that mission.
Through the convenience and simplicity of online giving, you can join us in making an impact on your brother, poor and needy of our community.

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